

Composition : Methylcobalamin+alphalipoic acid+folic acid+ pyridoxine hydrochloride tablets

Description :
Methylcobalamin+Alpha Lipoic Acid+Folic Acid+Pyridoxine Hydrochloride+Benfotiamine is a nutritional supplement that consists of various vitamins. When you lack these nutrients in your body, which cannot be recovered even with the food sources, this medicine helps replenish these deficient levels.                                                                                It also has antioxidant properties and thus has been used as a nutritional supplement in disease conditions like diabetes and nerve and heart problems.                                                                                                                             Folic acid is essential for production of red blood cells. It prevents and treats folate deficiency and anemia.                   Pyridoxine treats or prevents deficiency of vitamin B6 and improves functioning of nervous and immune systems. Benfotiamine treats vitamin B1 deficiency and resulting nerve damage.

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